Oh and right now I am in Ethiopia, and am required to do another blog as a part of my task assignment. You can check that out Journey in Jimma


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Maria and Kurtis

Took this one today in between some work and the championship hockey game. Pictured is my friend Maria who lives across the hall from me and her boyfriend from Cole Harbour, NS. Kurtis' hometown hero made Olympic History today, and it's a pretty happy atmosphere around here. Now back to the books.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bye Bye Annapolis Valley

Today I left to get back to school. It is basically empty here, nobody is around. It's very quiet and it seems really strange to be here without everyone else. This is a photo actually taken by my father Chris, of the me, my sister and my brother (left to right). I had a really nice break with my whole family and am excited once again to tackle some more school work.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Lucky Dog Photo Contest

I entered my Dog in a contest today to be on the back of a lottery ticket. It's called "Lucky Dog" anyway, if you have a few minutes it would really be appreciated if you could vote: It takes a about two minutes. I'm excited to have one last relaxing night back at home before heading back to school.Click here to sign up and vote

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Eight Weeks In

I can't believe it has been eight weeks. I spent today by sleeping in until twelve, I was really tired from flying and getting trace amounts of sleep in Toronto. Then Ian made me a nice breakfast and I went out to the beach with Ian, Christine, and Ian's friend from Kings. We then came back to Canning and visited a few local businesses and then went out for a little bit of cake at the Schwartzes. Came home, sat by the fire and watched olympics.
Pictured is my sister Christine who was quite cold at the time.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

EWC Round II

I had the pleasure of seeing two good friends from a youth forum today. Chryssi Bailakis and Joe MacMillan. I was so excited, and it made me extremely happy. I'm just finishing up my workshop then heading back to the east coast after a little Toronto shopping. It's going to be great to get home.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thomas is also in Toronto

Had another day of intercultural training. Had a delicious meal at an Ethiopian restaurant for lunch, and another delicous meal at a Korean restaurant. I am quite full, we're off tonight to a live blues bar. It should be a fun time. Tommy is showing us around the city and it looks to be a good night. I'm back home on the East Coast tomorrow evening, and I can't wait.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Close call today with the internet not working. However, this one is not taken by me but by my friend Kelsey. Pictured is one of my favourite people in the whole world Joe MacMillan and I. It was great to see him.
Anyway I gotta get back. Had a sick day, I'll update better when it's all said and done.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Owls in the family: Day 53

Can't believe I've been taking a picture and posting it every day for the last 53 days. That's pretty insane. I'm leaving for Toronto for a few days in a couple of hours. I'm really quite excited. Hoping to meet up with a few friends here and there if possible learn more about Ethiopia and have a chance to hang out a bit with Kelsey Harpman and David MacDonald. It's going to be an excellent trip. This is our owl in the photo carved by a friend of the family about ten years ago, I absolutely love it and always miss seeing it around when I am away.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Went out to Scotts Bay today with Dad and Sparky. Sparky really seemed to enjoy to get to run around on the beach as per usual. This is her jumping off an ice flow, onto the rocks that we were walking on.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Feb 19th: Home Again

So I am back home for reading week, and am so cozy. I had a nice little rest by the fire and watched some olympic skeleton. Then I ran out to New Minas, now off to see some family friends. Can't wait to have a little time back in the valley before I head out Sunday for Toronto. Home feels good.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ice Fissure

Walked downtown today to have an appointment to get some innoculations from the clinic in order for me to travel to Ethiopia. I passed the Salmon River, luckily I thought to bring my camera. It reminded me of Antartica with a huge fissure in the earth, the sun was behind the clouds and the water and snow looked almost blue. Turned out to be a pretty nice photo. Tonight I am working as fast as I possibly can so I can get out and go out with some friends one last time before the break. It's looking a little unlikely to happen, but what can I say... I'm an optimist through and through.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Alyssa is off

Today was the big day for calculus. I did fairly well. Alyssa is leaving tomorrow morning to go to Honduras. We got a few minutes of skype in between our hectic schedules and it was really great to see her. :)
Anyway another quiz tomorrow and a formal lab due, so I am going back to it.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I've been studying since twelve today working on math, and it's really coming along. I think should be okay for this midterm I have been dreading for weeks upon weeks. These are my study notes that I've been using, really very helpful. I'm going to go look at them so more, sorry about the monotony of the posts. I am going to TO this Sunday so things should start to become a lot more interesting soon.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Gallus Gallus

This is a neat specimen from biology lab. It is an embryo of a chicken that was died three days before it was supposed to hatch. The embryo was treating with a red calcium binding dye. This is the result. I've got so much to do it's insane. Back to work.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Yeah, I'm in a band"

Today was a pretty productive day, I spent a good portion of it cleaning and the rest of it eating or studying. It went pretty well, and I am becoming more and more comfortable with calculus thankfully. I've got a lot more to do tonight though, including work on my chemistry both a scientific memo and a formal lab. I'm really thankful that I was able to finish my English last week.
off to do some more integration. But here is my photo du jour, my friend Ben Crouse. This is another candid that I took. He's looking pretty smug and/or angry, note the title.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Krull The Warrior King

About a week ago when my room was shafted, this is the little guy that was in the middle of the pond. Alyssa bought me an extremely thoughtful gift which included two fish tanks, and all the accessories plus a fish gift card. It's going to be a lot of fun. I got the first beta tank set up right away, and he seems pretty happy. So thanks: Lisa, Katie, Jessica, Sarah for the wonderful present. And thanks to Alyssa for the even more wonderful present. Hitting the pub up tonight, and went to the Woodsmen competition. It's been a great day.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Julie has a new hamster from a friend down the hall, his name is "Peanut" and he's quite lovely. Today he was visiting me while his cage was being cleaned and running around in my room within his enclosed ball. Out glowbowling with the house, then out to a party followed by pub. Should be a great night.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

That Aggie Spirit: 42

Tonight was the house challenge for attendance at the men's and women's basketball game. The turnout was pretty good I think, I was busy studying and doing some revision of an essay. Here we have Georgia, Kaleigh, Andree, Nukes, Mader and Gillis. "Go Rams" Wish I had gone out, but I did have an extremely productive night so all is okay. Back to studying a bit more, finally the weekend tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Small Rodents

Had another extremely busy day, class "ended" at twelve but I spent a few hours working on a calculus assignment, followed by a meeting of the student review board which lasted two hours. Then I had a quick supper and dashed off for a review for our chemistry midterm happening Friday. On the way back I stopped by my friend Jamie Eastabrooks, to see her baby rats. They are just a week old and are very small. She's looking for homes, if you want to get in touch with her that can be arranged through me. They're only to go to loving homes, and not for snacks as snakes or other critters.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Keep me warm

I've been spending some late nights working, really because I talk too much during the day. I've been drinking a lot of tea and it's been nice. I've got quite the selection happening now, it's good to change it up. Had a meeting at the international house today, and got a few more things in place for the trip to Ethiopia. It's all coming together, but a lot is still up in the air. Off to finish some english, write a chem lab, do a calculus assignment and study for a calculus midterm. Joy. Later on

Monday, February 8, 2010

That Party Last Night

This is another chalk drawing on a door, this is by my friend Kaleigh MacDonald. It's from the song "I love College" by Asher Roth. Kaleigh likes the lyrics, and she posted them on her door, in a very colourful and attractive matter. It looks pretty fly. I'm back to homework, it's going to be a busy busy few weeks.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day_38: At Home

Spent another day back in the annapolis valley. Grandpa and Uncle Norbert are coming for brunch today, and they're picking up Ian which will make it a really great day. I've spent most of my weekend home just relaxing by the fire which is really nice. It's been a really relaxing trip home. I'm ready to get back and tackle some more school work.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Back in the valley on day: 37

Wow, thirty seven days in. I can't believe it's gone that fast. I took quite a few pictures today, a lot of which have potential for icanhazcheezburger.com especially one of my cat Mo looking like Donald Trump. Anyway, I have decided to post the picture of my cat yowling to be let in because I miss having cats. I think they're funny.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Shafted on day 36

I had my first real prank played on me tonight. When I returned to my room, the doors from my closet were removed as well as all my drawers from my beds and from my desks. They were set up in a rectangular manner, with a silver and blue tarp set up between the doors and bed. The rectangle was then filled with about six inches of water, and a betta fish was put inside it. Alongside a bottle of water treatment and a package of food. He has a name, but I forgot it.

All in all it was a really funny prank, it made me laugh a lot. A bit of a mess to clean up, but it was pretty hilarious.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ben Crouse: The Legend, Day 35

Ben Crouse is also a valley kid. We spent this week and the last week drawing things on eachothers doors in Chapman 3rd South. This is a depiction of Goofy playing Rockband. Had a wicked day today. I found out that I was selected to travel to Ethiopia for a work placement this summer. It should be pretty exciting, I really cannot wait. There's so much to do in order to prepare but it's going to be so much fun.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Working hard, or hardly working

Still keeping the nose to the grindstone, punching out any errors or mistakes that I find in my formal lab and studying for economics. Though I also really want to nap and listen to music. It's a dificult decision. I was messing around and took a self portrait trying to get a double reflection, didn't quite work out. I will find a better way to do it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 33: Ground Hog Day

Groundhog day is nose to the grindstone. Working on chem, calc, english. Studying for economics. This is a crow flying over campus. They're pretty populous around here.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hamster in Hand: Day 32

Today was a day full of studying, I wrote a biology test and spent three hours learning more about antiderivatives. On top of three other hour-long lectures. Tomorrow is a day including a meeting with my academic advisor, a chemistry formal lab being revised, a microeconomics lecture, more work on the calculus assignment as well as doing a chem lab about thermochemistry. Looks to be a pretty interesting day to say in the least.