Oh and right now I am in Ethiopia, and am required to do another blog as a part of my task assignment. You can check that out Journey in Jimma


Friday, April 30, 2010

Food poisoning

Woke up at four this morning. Spare you the details I have food poisoning. Had some pepto, and went back to bed. Woke up at four in the afternoon. Had a piece of dry toast, then went back to bed until nine. Sorry about the mediocre photo, don't have too much energy to do anything else.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Big Fish

I've been fishing for years in the Habitant River in Canning hoping to catch an American Eel. Today I didn't catch an American Eel, but I did catch a brook trout. Which was very, very exciting. The last brook trout I caught was five inches. This brook trout was 17 and weighed about two pounds. Put up a little bit of a fight, but I was so SHOCKED to actually have a big bite, I just pulled it in as fast as I could. Talk about an excellent day.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Insect triptych

I decided to do a triptych of three of my favourite insects when I was young. I picked Actin the Luna Moth, Tibicen canicularis the Dog-Day cicada, and a type of Rhinoceros beetle from Asia that has become fairly frequent here in Nova Scotia Oryctes rhinoceros. I did these with acrylic and oil, and they were a lot of fun.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Cutting it close today, spent most of my evening working on an mixed medium triptych. Having a lot of fun with it. Really enjoying having some time to paint before my big trip. Working on a rhinoceros beetle right now, which is being tricky but fun. Anyway, the photo today is of Wellington Dyke which is absolutely beautiful, anyone who knows any history about the dykes knows how important they were and still are.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Turtle Mission

E, and I went out today to get turtles from a pond polluted from agricultural runoff into another pond down the road which is a lot cleaner, and has a lot more water flow in and out. Less algae, and is full of leopard frogs, killifish, and other sorts of life. We only managed to get one. There are many in the pond, and it'll be an ongoing project. But it was a lot of fun. This is a little Eastern Painted turtle sitting on my dirty foot, photo credit goes to my broski. I have the turtle on my foot just to show how tiny he/she was.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Aileen Meagher

Dad was given a painting the other day, and I absolutely love it. It is painted by Dad's past landlady and friend Aileen Meagher. She's an amazing person, who is a bronze medalist in the 100 m sprint (Berlin, Germany). She's a very neat lady, you can read about her here http://www.novascotiasporthalloffame.com/AileenMeagher-TheFlyingSchoolmarm.htm very amazing story.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Today some of my favourite people paid my family a visit in Canning. We went to the beach, and they brought moose steak (Which was delicious) and went to Winners for a few minutes. A really fun day with some really great people.

Pictured are the two lovely Eisnor's.

Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm a thing finder

Finished cleaning my room today, and found a very special penny from a very special person. It was given to me two years ago, when I missed out on a trip to Montreal because I was too late to sign up. Thanks Ad. :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Still messing around with HDR. This round turned out a little better, I took this one out back. Ian is home, and so is Tine and so are Mum and Dad. It's pretty exciting.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

HDR'in it

Here's another attempt, this is a shot taken out in Pereau.
Still needs some work. I'm going to continue to enjoy the weather.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Messing around with HDR

Trying to figure out High Dynamic Resolution photography. You take three different pictures, then mesh them together using software. This is just a trial of a plant and a lamp in the front room. The three photos are taken with different

A Human eye can detect light ranges that exceed a 50,000:1 dynamic range. When a photograph is taken, you don't see this ratio. Especially if a photo is under or over exposed. To make media show what the eye sees, you can take a sequence of photos. One over exposed, one under and one normal. Mesh them together and bam. You get this. The first three are the normal ones not a great example. But it's something to work at a little more this week.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Room cleaning

Have you ever really cleaned your room?
I did that today, and it is amazing what you find. I found so many neat old things from past years, my concert tickets from Quebec a mask made out of leaves, parts of an old coin collection, old art supplies. It's been a useful sort of a day, Glad to be home. Took Sparky out with Dad, and she's very pleased to have me home as well. It's been a productive day.
I know it's blurry, but the expression was just too happy not to post.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's funny

It's funny how you get used to things, and then forget. I've been scared twice by our Fisherman figure that my parents continue to move things around. It used to always shock me when I was younger and continues to, to this day as I proved today.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Exams are finito. And I am celebrating. The good old Nova Scotia way.
I did really well on all exams, now just anxiously awaiting results.
Maybe going out to The Engine Room tonight, time will tell.
Party on.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bright Lights and Shower Stalls

Today has been a tough day. Wrote an economics exam early on, and that went extremely well :. Not too tough at that point. Came back to residence and a lot of friends are moving out, some that are going to Europe for school next year. Some just to other parts of Canada. Still, tough stuff. Weird to think that people will be finally spread out all over the place. I got a lot accomplished today, room is almost all packed and I have a great handle on calculus. I'm confident and ready to get that exam over with soon. Picture is a my friend Maria moving around a flashlight with a fifteen second exposure. Looking forward to using a tripod soon.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bug Collection

Getting really excited to do my bug collection for my entomology class this summer. I hope to find some really cool insects around Canning and Medford. Today was hectic, filled with studying and students union things. It was also Alyssa's birthday, wish I could be in Sackville to celebrate with her. Back to studying.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Chionodoxa luciliae

Today's picture is my favourite spring flower on campus: Chionodoxa Luciliae: Glory of the snow

I did extremely well on my biology exam today, and spent the rest of the day studying for calculus. I am really looking forward to having a few weeks in the valley before Ethiopia. Hand modeling credit to Trudeau, sorry Rankin your hairy knuckles just didn't make the cut.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Krull: A gentle fish

A fish that everyone could love.
Who treated everyone with respect.
He liked to swim up to the top of the tank
and then to the bottom.
he never ate food when I watched
always a little bit shy.
took great pride in his beautiful ventral fin
his peacock coloured scales
and he was always my favourite anabantoid
thank goodness for his magnificent labyrinth
which allowed him to breath, directly from the surface

You'll be missed buddy.

Photo credit to Martin McIntyre

Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting through chemistry, I think it should go pretty well. I've prepared well. English went really well today, I think I've aced it. I've got a lot more studying to do before tomorrow, and all that other fun stuff. This is a photo of the side of the building, I wonder how many people have wrote their names on the wall?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 101. Darn it miscounted

So yesterday was day 100. So today is Day 101. I can't believe I have been doing this for so long. It's been a nice weekend, a lot of studying but also a lot of time hanging out and spending a few last days with close friends. It's been really nice. I feel fairly comfortable with all my exams, and I think they should all go (knock on wood) without hitch. Went for a little walk along the back of the Salmon River, and stumbled upon this picturesque little dammed off area of the river. Quite pretty, and filled with mummichog and nine spined stickelback.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 100: The Ring

A lot of my friends in degree and diploma are graduating. This year Nova Scotia Agriculture College unveiled a new official class ring. It's a pretty neat ring. The pattern around the outside is barley which is a hugely important agricultural crop. Hand Model is Skip.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I've pictured my stuffed animal from when I was young. He was knitted for me by a family member. His name is STOP. E has one with a green hat named GO. But I haven't seen that one in years. Out tonight to say goodbye to the Dutch boys, followed by a solid week of study.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 98: TP

Been studying quite hard today. Have a lot of economics to tackle tonight. But this isn't to say the day has gone without fun, had the house supper earlier as well as cross country running practice. Finished up with a little prank on our friend Martin. Now off to go finish up a little studying.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

SO sick of losing

Tim Hortons is fun. Tim Hortons is great. Tim Hortons is the very heart of Canadian enterprise. Tim Hortons is successful. Tim Hortons is delicious. Tim Hortons does not put out winning cups in Bible Hill.
Georgia 1/2
Robert 1/16
Paul 1/12
KJ 1/3
Rankin 2/20
Ricky 1/10
Crouse 2/8
Tess 0/12
Andree 0/3
Maria 0/5
Mader 0/17
Julie 1/13


:. not quite the 1:9 odds promised... maybe after a few more rounds.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Nice to meetchya

Today was a great day, I finished all sorts of my work. Cleaned out the office for next year, and I even managed to study mostly everything I needed to for biology. It was very productive. Here is a photo of two of my excellent friends "meeting" for the first time. I was just messing around with light a little. Pretty simple.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Dash Riprock...

Back at the AC today. Been reviewing some notes, and just tying together some loose ends. Went to go visit the big old rock that I've heard a lot about from Ricky Schurrmans with Rob. It turned out to be a HUGE chunk of sandstone with lots of names and pictures (celtic knots, star of David, leaves, sickles) carved into it. It was pretty neat. I'm hoping to get out to Victoria Park tonight before hitting the books again.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Canning for one more night

Finishing up my trip to the valley today with a walk on the beach with the family. Sparky went missing for a bit, only to turn up a little later with a severed deer leg in her mouth it was pretty funny. Then later on Christine had two friends from school over for Easter supper which was nice as well. It was a pleasant day complete with a nap. Pictured is the Habitant River which flows behind the village of Canning, and is the same one pictured in pictures of water behind our house.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Little Brook

Went out today for a few hours with Ian and Thomas. It was a really great afternoon filled with adventure. We only caught one fish, but it's great to be back fishing. I'm off to go visit with a close friend from high school. The brook here is so nice, I would love for it to be closer so I could dip my feet in. It was pretty fun to mess around with exposure times. I'm going to try to mess around with those a little more.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Home again, home again, jiggity jig

Back for the long weekend. Spent today out mostly at the beach with Mum, Dad, Ian and Tine. It was a really nice day weather wise about 15 degrees. Tomorrow I am helping the Vanderweits move homes, and going fishing with Ian and Thomas. We just have to buy licenses. Or I might go and just chill. Still debating. Anyway, it's going to be a great weekend. Tonight I am off to visit Alyssa. That should be fun too, cannot wait. This photo is of the mist coming off the water at Medford during high tide.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sporangium, Gametophyte

Back in the valley again today, and I got a really neat shot of a bit of moss out in the garden. The bottom leafy look structure is the gametophyte. It produces gametes. They fertilize eachother by the flow of water downwards. The little stalk with the flowery looking thing is referred to as the sporangium. It produces the spores. Back in the valley, and boy oh boy is it nice.