VP of External Affairs, is the new name for the SU position formerly known as VP Communications. The main duties of this position are to organize, and facilitate the NSAC SU house challenges.
I'm a first year student, currently enrolled in my first year of a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture majoring in environmental science.
I'm from Canning, Nova Scotia which is a small town of c. 800 residents in the Annapolis Valley.
I'm an experienced leader within student organizations particularly student government .My most recent experience in student leadership my term acting as the first year representative at Student Representative Council here at NSAC. Additionally, I was on my Northeast Kings Education Centre (NKEC) student council from grade six to grade twelve. I spent three of these years on the executive council (co-president grade eight, co-vice-president grade eleven, co-president grade twelve). I spent the other four years serving as a grade representative. These positions are indicative of my experience and passion for student leadership.
I had a blast this year participating in House Challenges, but I am someone who believes that there is always room for improvement. I want to work hard for you, the student body population of Nova Scotia Agricultural College so that YOU have as much fun as possible.
1. Increase Attendance at Sporting Events
- As a member of the NSAC Varsity Mens soccer team, I know how tough it can be to play a home game with virtually no crowd. I would like to implement different strategies resulting in house points for those who come out to support and cheer for their fellow Aggies. As well as making special consideration of points for both number of fans, and the level of spirit that is there.
2. Integrate the Community
-As a small school, I recognize that a giant part of our enjoyment of the university comes from the feeling of community that we get from being such a small institution. If we can find ways to integrate the community into our aggie spirit (ie: partnering with local businesses for sponsorship, having a greater amount of community members out for school functions) then we will see an increase in student satisfaction across campus.
3. Make house challenges appeal to a greater variety of people
-Let's face it. People are good at different things; whether it be sports, music, being loud, school, art... everybody is good at something. I want the house challenges to reflect the diversity and uniquity of the student population, rather than being more focused on the same areas, time after time again.
4. Delegating RA's to promote school spirit
-RA's are required to run a program during each academic semester. If elected, I hope to encourage residence and conference services to allow one RA from each residence be in charge of getting people out to events. Generally, the more that show, the more fun is had by all involved. If each house is able to coax more and more students out to events, then the events will continue to be more enjoyable and more successful for all involved.
5. Inclusion
-Another problem that I see within house challenges is the lack of graduate student and international student participation. I would love to see the attendance of graduate students and international students climb at school functions, particularly house challenges.
Any sort of question is encouraged, and please feel free to approach to me at any time with suggestions or issues; hopefully I'll be able to address them.
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