Oh and right now I am in Ethiopia, and am required to do another blog as a part of my task assignment. You can check that out Journey in Jimma


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 101. Darn it miscounted

So yesterday was day 100. So today is Day 101. I can't believe I have been doing this for so long. It's been a nice weekend, a lot of studying but also a lot of time hanging out and spending a few last days with close friends. It's been really nice. I feel fairly comfortable with all my exams, and I think they should all go (knock on wood) without hitch. Went for a little walk along the back of the Salmon River, and stumbled upon this picturesque little dammed off area of the river. Quite pretty, and filled with mummichog and nine spined stickelback.


  1. What are you going to do for the summer? As far as the blog goes I mean.

  2. Well, I am going to take a photo each and every day. Whether it will be posted daily or not.. I'm unsure. I hope to be able to post every day, but that's unlikely to be the case. However, I do have access to internet in Ethiopia... it will likely be a log kept simultaneously with photos, each being numbered.
