This was a beautiful dragonfly I found while walking around campus. He/she was sitting on a Geranium. There aren't even close to as many dragonflies here as there are back home and seeing one is something special
Monday, July 26, 2010
This was a beautiful dragonfly I found while walking around campus. He/she was sitting on a Geranium. There aren't even close to as many dragonflies here as there are back home and seeing one is something special
Fredrika and Stephanie
Sunday, July 25, 2010
This is a cup of coffee I had just outside of campus. The place that we've been going recently makes all their coffee traditionally, they roast the beans on a little fire, grind them with a mortar and pestle and then add hot water. I don't believe there is a filter in any way shape or form, because the coffee is almost "chalky" I don't know if that's the right word for it, because it is absolutely delicious.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Some of our friends - Thursday
These three girls always come out to say "hello" when I walk past. They always come out yelling "Paul! Paul! Paul!" but it sounds more like "Poule! Poule! Poule!". They're very sweet, I have a few little things to give them before I leave for Canada.
Dinner with Sam and Isaac
Goodbye Biru
Rainy Monday
Sunday School
Great statue
This is a statue in the alumni gardens which I always liked. It's a little girl standing on a little boy for a drink of water. It's a common theme in sculpture here, teamwork. When visiting the national museum, there were many things representing team work. The other part I like about this statue, is the ring of Osbadian (a volcanic glass) that surrounds it.
This is a statue in the alumni gardens which I always liked. It's a little girl standing on a little boy for a drink of water. It's a common theme in sculpture here, teamwork. When visiting the national museum, there were many things representing team work. The other part I like about this statue, is the ring of Osbadian (a volcanic glass) that surrounds it.
Love the Earth
Spiny Orbweaver
Deathshead Hawk Moth
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Chegla Tibs
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Ray of Light
Monday Creepy Wattled Ibis
Monday, July 5, 2010
Happy Birthday Mum
I had a really nice Saturday, I went swimming at a local hotel then watched football with a few friends in town. It was a beautiful day, and I got a little bit of sun. This is a flower not far from the parking lot of the campus. Anna told me the name when she was here, but I forgot. Looks sort of like a Gerbera.
July 2nd - Friday - Green Building
Happy Canada Day!
This was the first July first I ever spent out of the country, which was a little bit sad. However, it was a really nice day. Anna gave me a little bottle of maple syrup and I had a tea sppon of it before I went to bed. We also went out for a nice traditional meal at Tempke. The photo is of a bit of corn I purchased on the way home, as soon as it gets dark many women put ears of maize on little clay grills and blacken them. It's super filling and tastes like popcorn that hasn't popped all the way.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Wednesday 30th
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