With a biology midterm tomorrow, most of the first year students (myself included) have been hitting the books this weekend. Here Kale learns through the diffusion of knowledge through a semi-permeable membrane. I wonder at what point she becomes her own species?
Sunday, January 31, 2010
31: Learning Through Diffusion
With a biology midterm tomorrow, most of the first year students (myself included) have been hitting the books this weekend. Here Kale learns through the diffusion of knowledge through a semi-permeable membrane. I wonder at what point she becomes her own species?
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Day Thirty: Encore Train
Friday, January 29, 2010
Day 29: Jessica Eisnor works it
Today was a snow storm. I love snow, I really do. I had a great morning in class, had a little walk through the gales and snow to the alumni garden. I snapped this one of Jessica Eisnor. Alyssa was supposed to come visit and that was abruptly stopped by the busses being cancelled. Soccer game was cancelled. It looks to be a quiet weekend in.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Day 28: Georgia makes her fourth appearance
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sunglasses: DAY 27
Well, twenty seven days in. Almost a month, I'm pretty proud of myself that I've managed to do it every time, even through extremely busy days. I have been working on math, and chemistry as well as writing essays and studying for a midterm. As well as planning for my summer (hopefully going to Africa with a little luck) preparing for interviews, and making time for friends in family. This is just a picture of a pair of aviators on the window sill. Cheers, PM
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
2(10)+6 Flooding
Last night we had some really odd tropical weather. High winds, warm, and heavy amounts of rain. It was almost like a hurricane. Salmon river flooded, not to it's typical spring time levels but enough to alarm me when I looked out the window. Anyway, I messed around with my settings and got a pretty neat picture. Hope you like it.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Post 25: Scavengers
Today was a fun day. We had a challenge to collect 108 things from around Truro, by collect I mean take pictures of said things. One of the items on the list was a picture with a uniformed police officer. Pictured are Mark, Josh, Jessica and the lovely police officer who took us around the station for a little tour.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Day 24: Blueberry Fields
Took a drive around today with Matt Rankin and Sam Cripps going for train photos. We encountered two different trains, each a VIA Rail Canada. Coming from Moncton, and from Truro respectively. The pictures of the train, didn't look as neat as a field of wild blueberries we encountered about ten minutes north of Onslow. The field was GLOWING red through the snow, it was very neat.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Round the bend, #23
Today is a wonderful day in Bible Hill, NS. It's super bright, and sunny. In the morning Matt Rankin was listening to his scanner which is tuned into the train frequency. We timed it so that we could get a picture of it as it came through Onslow. Here she is: CN#407. Matt knows the specifics about the length and such. I do remember however that it has four engines. Matt Rankin says: 6457 ft long, (more than a mile long). Nice.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Day 22: NSAC
Today is thankfully a Friday, and it's a big weekend planned. A big "tight and bright" party tonight, followed by pub. Tomorrow will be badminton and going out again. Soccer game as well tonight, it was a wild week of work and a weekend will be greatly appreciated. Hope everyone else has a great weekend. Pictured today are the triplets in residence; (Left to Right) Andree, Georgia and Kent. All of the varsity athletes got new sweaters, it's basically a sea of black and "NSAC".
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Three Weeks in (21), Calculus Tutorial
I had my second calculus tutorial today, and it's already looking like I am going to really need a bit of extra help. I opted out for calculus in high school to recieve my certificate in intergrated french. Still paying the price a little. Pictured is my calculus tutorial leader Nicole Mayne. Pictured behind Nicole is what confused me for a good fifty minutes earlier today.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Day Twenty: Work Overload and flat-nosed Kale
It's been an overwhelming couple of days dealing with lots of letters, school and just keeping things in balance. Things are on the upswing though which is useful. An assignment due Friday that I am completely lost with is the only seemingly difficult thing left in my path for the next few days. Then a quiz, a lab quiz, a tutorial and a chemistry test followed by a weekend. Which will be oh so nice. Pictured today is Kaleigh, who is being a little monkey against the fire door. She's pretty funny.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
neeteniN yaD
Today is day nineteen in my new year's project. I have been picking up neat little pieces of rusty train tracks, for a business idea I had for the summer months. I'm planning on doing something with ivy around the pieces of rust. I think it could have a little bit of potential to be fun and make a little money. I was just messing around and managed to arrange them into a little figure.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Day Eighteen: Rankin makes an appearance
The fellow pictured below, is a student living down the hall from me. He spends most of his time, changing around messages I leave on my white board to messages that are disgusting. Anyway, I spent a good ten minutes pestering him by taking his photo. Then when he was creeping out the window (the middle school must have had a field trip) I snapped this one with him and his bean plants. Here's to you Matt Rankin.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Seventeen Sunset
Here I am on day seventeen, and have still managed to take and post a picture each day. I have taken a picture today of the view from behind residence here on campus. The Salmon River, follwed by iceflows and finally the Bible Hill Train bridge. It was a really clear but cold day, and had an excellent weekend in Sackville. Drove back today with Robert Beckwith which was a fun drive. Hope you like the photos, and thanks for viewing.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Day 16: Mt A
Friday, January 15, 2010
Finally Friday Fifteen
Today is Friday, and I am off to New Brunswick to visit Alyssa. Today I woke up early to get a photo of Cumming Hall, one of the universitys main administrative buildings. I'm really excited to spend some time in New Brunswick, and get a bit of a break from school here. Had a good day of classes today, but a weekend is in order.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Baby Hedgehogs and Job Interviews: Two week mark
Today I have had one class of economics, and will have a calculus tutorial and a biology lab to soon follow. I also have a job interview for the position of a residence assistant. With a little bit of luck I should have some income coming in throughout the semester which would be nice. Several girls down on first floor have breeded their hedgehogs, and the 40 day gestation period ended yesterday. Upon birthing the "hoglets" the mother ate four of them. Two of them were rescued from the mother, and have been fed by hand every two hours for the past day now. Here is a picture of the two little guys (or girls) that survived the mothers hungry rampage. They look a little like wild cucumbers, only pink. http://www.shortcourses.com/naturelog/cucumber-04.jpg.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Day 13 New Mug
I started off my day today by sleeping through my alarm and missing chemistry. That was pretty disappointing because we went over gas laws, but I suppose that happens. It's the first course I have missed since being here, but it seemed a little bad missing one in only the second week of courses. I got my mug back from the clay cafe yesterday, and it turned out pretty well. I've got to get to work on a bit of calculus, so that's where I'll be for at least a couple of hours. I've added a new function to my blog, so that you can comment on what I write. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Carotenes and Chlorophyl: Day Twelve
Today we had our first chemistry lab of 2010. I worked with Jessica Eisnor, extracting the pigments from a leaf of spinach to do a thin layer chromatography the following week. We broke up a spinach leaf by using a mortar and pestle, then adding different organic solvents. We used a centrifuge to divide the solution into its components. From here, we took only the dark green part of the solution: the one with all of the pigments needed to do our
chromatography. We then made a column to run our crude sample through, we used alumina hydrated by the organic solvent acetone. We eventually broke it into two components one being yellow, and one being green. The green component was composed primarily of chlorophyl, while the yellow was composed mostly of carotenes.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Day Eleven: Night Photography
I've been reading a little bit about night time photography and decided to give it my first shot today. I went out onto the train tracks which run through truro, and used the railing of the bridge as a tripod. A little blurry, but it seemed to turn out okay. I will need to use a tripod before I get optimal results, but this is expected.
I skipped my first university class today in order to attend a marketing launch of Nova Scotia naming it the University Capital of Canada. You can check out the video here http://universitycapital.ca/ . Every University in Nova Scotia was there with faculty members and members of each respective students union (that's where I came in). It was a fun trip down with the group, and the launch was fun but brief. We gave Dr. Richard Donald a deafening round of applause when his name was called.
The building in this photo is my residence, Chapman House #20 Horseshoe Crescent.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Day 10: Georgia's new boots and the kindness of others
My lovely friend Georgia (as pictured in day seven) had let her pair of wellington boots get wet. When the water froze, it caused the boots to split. George being the crafty girl she is did a little make-shift repair with a bit of duct tape. The ladies working at NSAC's cafeteria would jokingly tease Georgia about her boots whenever she came in. Today when we came in for an early supper they all came out together and presented Georgia with a new pair of boots from the Chartwells Cafeteria team. It was a really kind and honest gesture, and it was very appreciated by George. Shown in the photo is Georgia with old boots (yellow) and new boots (red).
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Nine days in
I spent today in a relaxing way. Slept in until eight, cleaned up around the room, did a bit of laundry and then had a late breakfast with some friends around eleven. I've been drawing fake tattoos all week with this really neat little pen I found on the floor in chemistry. It does some pretty cool things. I like it. This one is grasshopper. I saw Avatar today, and slept for around half of it. Now tonight I plan on getting some reading done, and doing a little bit of work on applications and resumes.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Day Eight- Pens and Books
I've spent most of my day reading. I went to class from eight to twelve, then I came back to residence and spent several hours reading; from Brontë's "Jane Eyre" and from the fictional work of "Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebord. I drew this cicada on my arm in between english class and biology. The weekend is here, and it's time to relax and have fun with friends.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
7_Georgia Yoga
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Six; Puddle Jumping
Snow was coming down, but after lunch it really just turned to puddles. I get off class at 12:00 Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It makes for a tiring morning of lectures but frees up the afternoons very nicely. I took this one of my friend Mark outside in the horseshoe. Just messing around a little with action shots.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Day Five* Pear
I spent today going to class, then catching up on resumes and applications. This is a pear I ate, I went grocery shopping last night with a friend and it's nice to have a bit of food around the room. I put the core down on the table for a second when I realized the neat shadow/reflection. The picture turned out pretty neat. The shadows in the background are from various ethernet and USB cables.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Quatre; Andree Marchant
I chose today to take a photo of my friend Andree. Andree is my new neighbour at school, and is also from the Annapolis Valley. She's a twin, and it's fun to have someone around who understand the kinds of things that twins go through. Andree is shown mid-laugh in this photo, which is a typical way to find her.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Three - All Moved In
January Third,
Spent today driving from Canning, Nova Scotia to Halifax, Nova Scotia with my Dad and brother. We dropped my brother off at Kings College, and then my father and I headed off towards Truro to drop me off at the Agricultural College. I spent most of the day moving my things up the stairs with the help of my friend Kaleigh McDonald. We got things moved in, and I'm feeling pretty at home. It's great to be on third floor with a lot of my friends from the soccer team.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Deux - Cabezon
Nothing says January second like a giant tabletop painting of north pacific member of the sculpin family. Shut in today due to a snow storm. Spent the day in with family, took the dog for a walk and packed and cleaned for university. Back bright and early for tomorrow morning. Dad and Terry fixed up this table for me, and I gave it a coat of paint so to speak.
Friday, January 1, 2010
One: Brothers
This was just a way to start things off. A new year, a new beginning but same best friend.
We're both heading off our separate ways for university, him to a Dalhousie University and me to Nova Scotia Agricultural College. this is more or less a representation of our winter vacation which was spent with friends and family.
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