Well, I suppose this is the last day. It's been a crazy year full of everything. Walked on the soils of three countries, in three separate continents. Worked two different jobs, finished two semesters with high academic standing, met hundreds of memorable people, travelled to a new Canadian city, lost several people important to me (RIP), tried a whole menage of new foods, learned how to knit, picked a mango right from the tree and ate it, raised awareness for prostate cancer, organized a variety show for Pakistan Flood Relief totalling $2,000 to be donated via the Canadian Red Cross, completed an insect collection, participated in my first ever "International Suit Up Day", visited three new major cities (Addis Ababa, Amsterdam, Toronto), had a run in with hyenas, visited the area of origin of coffee, tried goat meat, ate one of the most well renowned international food dishes (kitfo), found a stick insect in the wild, observed orthopaedic surgery in an OR, caught a two pound fish in the river I've fished in luckless for the least ten years, met up with old friends, won a student election. 2010 was probably the best year I've ever had.
Finishing it up with a photo of my Mum. Who is the sweetest person I know and I love her to pieces. She's pictured here holding a bucket on our New Year's Walk to Ross Creek. I got a few really nice shots today, but this one is my favourite. The fact that Mum is carrying around a bucket is just a perfect indication of the kind of person my Mum is.
Thanks for following everyone.
I hope 2010 was great and 2011 will be greater.